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15th July 2014
Alan reports from The All a/c England Final
Colchester C.C. made us very welcome when Catherine and I arrived on Friday. The club reminded me of Bowdon with elevated Lawns and a large
Play started at 0900 on Saturday and a different format from my previous Finals at Ramsgate in that only the Regional Qualifiers were allowed to compete
meant no double banking.
My first match was against Lucy Beach (Reigate ). I started well and got both balls well advanced but a missed angled hoop at 2 back allowed Lucy to gain
innings and she gradually took control of the match to win +4 T.
Game 2- Robert Upton (Dyffryn) . Another good start and my 4 bisques got both balls to 4 back.
Robert made a comeback but I won +11.
Game 3- Tony Elliot (Enfield) . Another good start and seemed in control by being 10 hoops
ahead with an hour to play. Tony had not started with his Black
but he started 2 ball break at Hoop1 and continued to make a 12 hoop break to take him into the lead. At the end of time I was at 4 back and Rover, Tony on
Peg/Peg. In my time turn I ran my red ball through 4 back, Penultimate and Rover and had a rush to my partner ball in corner 2 . All I had to do was rush to
yellow ,take off and rush yellow to Rover and peel it through Rover and onto the peg out . Good on paper but I didn't get behind yellow so was forced to
drive it
at Rover which if a miracle had occurred it would have tied the game. Tony pegged out Black in his time turn to win +2 T.

Game 1 -Nick Archer (Watford). Nick is a scratch GC player and I quickly found out that he could hit in from a long distance and could rush balls anywhere
on the
lawn with accuracy. Needless to say he outclassed me and he won +18.
Game 2 -There were 4 players who'd had won 3 games and 4 players who had won 1 game so it was Winners v Losers to see if there would be an outright
winner. I was drawn to play Graham Good (Bury) who had won our regional Final. I was not on form and he was almost faultless and easily won +22 in just
an hour.
All the other winners also won and so a 4 way tie break ensued with the Players having to run a hoop from the Boundary with 4 shots. Graham
Good scored twice to win the Final and was presented with the Trophy by Quiller Barrett,President of the C.A.
Webmeister edit: The committee and all the members wish to thank Alan for representing us in this tournament in which we have a long history.
13 & 14 September
Jan Smith Wins the Midgeland

Tournament Manager Lee reports:
A field of 10 turned up on bank holiday Monday for the Midgeland golf trophy. It was a shorter competition than usual, though given the relatively inclement weather for August I don't think anyone was too unhappy about that, albeit the forecast rain thankfully stayed away, which was played as a three round Swiss. This gave the possibility of two players being unbeaten at the end, which would have been decided on net points. However at the end of the first two rounds, whilst nearly everyone had at least one win, fortunately there were only two players unbeaten at this stage which meant that we would have a clear winner.
It was pleasing to see that the usual tradition was upheld, with everyone not involved happy to forego a third game in order to sit and watch the final and enjoy some of the food that had kindly been provided by various people, including a birthday cake in order to help celebrate Betty's birthday. The final was between Jan and Philip, and it was the former who got off to a flying start by quickly winning the first three hoops. Philip fought back to take the next two, including a spectacular shot at hoop five where he ricocheted through the hoop after clearing one of Jan's balls. It was then nip and tuck all the way to the finish, which ended with Jan winning her first internal trophy 7-5. Well done Jan.
Thanks to Alan for refereeing, and to Martin for presenting the trophy.
25th August
RSS Feed
The RSS feature, beloved of our readers, has been discontinued by our provider. An alternative is being considered.
15th July 2014
Pendle Easter Tournament
Betty reports;Lee won the Peter Dowdall Trophy, Easter Tournament Low handicap trophy and lost out on the Easter Advanced Trophy by one point! Terry won 3 out of 7. Betty played optimistically throughout, after having knee surgery five weeks prior, and lost 8 out of 8 but withdrew from the last game due to a twisted knee but remained smiling.

21st March 2014
Fixed IT
Philip reports; The lawns are ready for play and are looking good. The photo shows Terry (assisted by Philip) doing the first cut of our lawns with the Dennis mower set at height 2. A large amount of grass and dead moss (from the treatment) was removed.

29th March 2014
Longman Cup Adventure begins
We have a bye in the first round with the second round playing the winner of the match between Chester and Pendle.
26th March 2014
Fix IT 3

16th March 2014
Fix IT 2

12th March 2014
Fix IT 1

9th March 2014
the green green grass of home

Attached photograph shows 'before and after' the first 2 lawn treatments on lawn 2. Clearly shows the yellow moss turning brown and dying and evidence of the grass starting to recover.
8th March 2014
No Mossing About

Philip reports from the lawns: The first lawn treatment was applied today. This application (a dilute mixture of Ferrous Sulphate - EC 231-753-5) is aimed at controlling moss growth. Duncan Hector (shown in the photo - a Croquet Lawn specialist) travelled from Letchworth Croquet Club with his equipment to spray our lawns. The effect was immediate, as the moss started to change colour and, in the coming weeks, we hope to see the moss disappear, giving us a good base for an improved playing surface this season. Further treatment to our lawns will be applied as the year progresses using a tailored programme to the lawns needs.
28th Feburary 2014
roofers at work

Terry and Philip took the opportunity of an improvement in the weather, to carryout essential repairs to the roof of shed 2. During the bad weather shed 2 lost half of its roof felt and rain water was starting to come into the shed. Apart from the felt being replaced a new steel ridge was fitted affording extra strength to the roof. The new steel ridge was made from reclaimed left-over pieces from the garage. The photo shows Terry adding the final touches to the new ridge.
18th February 2014
Lawn Report

The lawn working party (with new members Jan and Cyd!) have now scarified all three lawns and taken in the ball stops and fencing for the winter Winter feed will be spread in the near future and then it will just be the BIG paintathon etc in March 2014!
5th November 2013

Although it looks the other way around, Quiller Barrett, President of the Croquet Association presented Fylde with the trophy at the AGM in Hurlingham. This was a joint award and we share the trophy and cash with West Worthing.

19th October 2013
The 2013 news was archived.
8th October 2013
Lawn report
Catherine has been out and about with the camera again. Here are a couple of her photos both of which she tells me are entitled "Ian Lines". The lawns were playing very well and running fast all season so far. As you can see Ian has the liner working beautifully, so when you go off you can console yourself by admiring the no dribble, lawn friendly white stuff.

8th September 2013
Jump shot practice area
To avoid damaging the area around the hoops with constant jump shot practice and lessons there is a new area between lawns 1 and 5 created for this purpose. Any spare hoop from a spare lawn may be used.

1st September 2013