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Forthcoming Tournaments
We have no tournaments planed for this year.
Earlier Tournaments
Jubilee Trophy
2021 was the last running of the Jubilee Tournament, we have no plans to run it again in the near future.
Jubilee Trophy 2021
As with so many tournaments this year our numbers were down, we had six. On the plus side it created single banked games and a pleasantly quiet atmosphere during the games. Two time winner John Henderson beat Fylde's Phil Snowden in round 1 with a masterclass of patience. Gediminas Smolskas narrowly beat John in a nail biting finish. Phil beat Ged in the final round. Both players are learning the game rapidly, but Phil pegged Ged out and his extra experience got him home.
Unfortunately by this point we had two withdrawals from our already small field of six. Both absentees from day two had very good reasons. Replacements were brought in.

After the last round with a three way tie out of only four players, the tie breakers all remained equal. Five areas at different distances from the peg were chosen with 2 points for the nearest (2 yards), six points for the farthest. John, Ged and Phil were asked to secretly select three areas on paper, then cards were drawn to decide the order of play. Ged scored 3 and 4 but missed from 6, but that proved to be the winning score.
The lawns played fast.
24th & 25th July 2021
Federation Millennium Advanced 2020
April, cancelled due to Covid 19.
Jubilee Trophy 2020
Event sheduled 25th & 26th July cancelled due to Covid 19.
Jubilee Handicap Trophy 2019
The club was delighted to offer two players a place in their first CA tournament, James Thomas from Llanfairfechan and Benedict O'Connor a teacher from Stonyhurst College. Benedict, under the wing of the NW Federation, is developing the game for the students. The other returning players showed their class in offering support and encouragement to these new tournament players. Tournament Referee Ken Jones did a great job helping them with the finer points as they came up.
As usual it was a strict Swiss event of 5 rounds the draw being made with numbered sticks of Blackpool Rock. Light drizzle fell slowly all day but the new drainage system, partially funded by the CA kept the lawns unpuddled and entirely playable all day.
An early lawn inspection took place on Sunday due to constant overnight rain. Despite the nearby Seniors Open Golf at Royal Lytham being postponed until 1pm The Fylde Lawns were entirely playable, we started round four with James and Philip Bass both on 3/3. Even the most optimistic of us thought this could be the final round. The ending of that game is worth a few words. Six minutes remaining, Philip's turn started on 4b and Rover , James on Penult and Rover. Philip was forced to play his Rover ball and leveled the scores by running it. He lined up a take off from the reception ball to set a leave but in this croquet stroke failed to shake the ball. Instantly he called the fault and James was able to secure a plus 2 win from there.
During the lunch break the rain had stopped and the drainage worked so round five was able to proceed in what turned out to be the best session of the tournament.

John Henderson put in a solid 4/5 as runner up.
James won his final game 26 - 0 with some bisques remaining throwing in a well organised Rover peel while running 5. James also received the tournament handicapper's reduction with delight.

- Alan Morton - Fylde.
- Peter Hallett - Bowdon.
- Dave Williamson - Crake.
- John Henderson - Penrith.
- Stephen Skelton - Keswick.
- Ken Jones - Bury.
- Philip Bass - Fylde.
- James Thomas - Llanfairfechan.
- Joe Lenon - Glasgow.
- Benedict O'Connor - Stonyhurst.
27th & 28th July 2019
Millennium Short 2019
Teams of two from Fylde, Llanfairfechan, Bury and Bowdon gathered in the Sunshine for the tournament. However a chill wind from the North forced many to don extra layers covering their resplendent team colours. Two blocks of four separated the players by clubs and play progressed rapidly through the three rounds and a welcome hot lunch break. There was a bonus point ( for tie breaking ) awarded for pegging out but, after round three, no ties existed. Tony Philips (Bury) and James Thomas (Llanfairfechan) both remained unbeaten and contested a final game while others watched with afternoon tea or played a Swiss.

The final was won by James in two fine breaks which extended his long unbeaten run of games and earned another handicap reduction.
The Federation Secretary, Liz Wilson, presented the trophy and thanked both the individuals and clubs for supporting the Federation and Fylde by taking part in the event.
11th May 2019
All England Area Final 2018
Phil Nuttall and Adrian Apps qualified for the National Final at Wrest Park on 8th & 9th September.
The format was a 5 round Swiss, full bisque base 10 time limit 3 hours.

Day 1: A wonderful standard of play from everyone in easy conditions. Our lawns playing very well and beautifully prepared by Philip and Richard in the days leading up to the event. Several spectators and welcome helpers including our President and the NW Fed Chairman saw Helen Brophy take the overnight lead. Followed by a strong group of defending holder Philip, Flyde's Alan, John H who always shines here at Fylde and Adrian who has risen to handicap 6 in just three years.
No Red Arrows this year but there is a quiz question:
"What is the name of the nearest star to us?"
Take a point if you said "The Sun" but take two points if you said "Britney Spears" who switched on the Blackpool Illuminations for us.
Day 2: The gentlemanly conduct and sportsmanship from yesterday continued as the competition intensified on another beautiful warm, still and dry day.
With two places in the final up for grabs the places in the final were still quite open and would not be decided until the end of the final round after lunch. The fourth round results had the effect of concertinaing the field to a great extent making the results of almost every game in the final round crucial.
Adrian Apps was playing solid Croquet and achieved his Silver Merit Award. In the final round Adrian, Alan and Phil were favourites. Adrian duplicated his round four Silver Award and was first to finish. But with only two places in the final should they all win their games the tie break rules would decide.
He had a nervy hour or so before it became clear he was through to the final. Alan had a nail biting finish. With all four balls for the peg, a seven yard roquet was what he needed and did not get. Phil was last to finish as his opponent made a spirited effort to level the points with a time turn break in front of the pavilion with everyone spectating. A backward take off fell short of 2b and hands were shaken during applause.
1 Bury CC Phil Nuttall (Holder)
2 Leven & Crake Valley Dave Williamson
3 Bowdon Adrian Apps
4 Bowdon Mike Steer
5 Chester Helen Brophy
6 Chester John Dawson
7 Fylde Alan Morton
8 Penrith & North Lakes John Henderson
9 Pendle & Craven CC Libby Dixon
10 Pendle & Craven CC Garry Wilson
1st & 2nd September 2018
Jubilee Handicap Trophy 2018

The NHS had sprung into action, called up a couple of players and as a consequence, reduced the field to ten. Many regulars were joined by several players visiting Fylde for the first time. Steve calmly proceeded through each game scoring 5/5 while overcoming some peculiar weather on Saturday. I am sure other reports from around the country on this weekend will mention the elements. In fact Blackpool escaped the worst of it. Players were given enough Sunshine to dry off before the next dousing. In the final round, by winning, Steve held of the challenges from serial winner John Henderson (Penrith CC) and in another game Alan Morton (Fylde CC) who otherwise would both have had a chance through the tie break.
28th & 29th July
Jubilee Handicap Trophy 2017

For the CA report click Here.
Round 1, a cool start with some soft ground before lunch. Betty and John needed a golden hoop to decide their game. Marjorie made two peels towards the end of her game with Dave. Eileen Moore came along to help serve lunch and clear up. She was able to see several text book breaks taking place on lawn 1. Barbara Walker baked some scones which went down well and another batch was requested for Sunday.
Round 2, Joe beat Eileen G in just over an hour. “Everything went right for me” he said. “Everything went wrong for me “ said Eileen. Half the mallets in use here today are by Pidcock in wood. Only 1 Fibre glass is being used. The current holder is wielding a Hobbs and the remaining four are Barrett Mallets. There is also a PFC Hoop Maker being tried by the owner for the first time. (Me). Several layers have been removed by the players as the Sun shines on us, as usual. With the field of six guys and six galls the casual talk turns to lacy g-strings and their place in Croquet. The field is split down the middle on that subject. The hoops are quite tight, having been moved and set with the excellent kit from Bury CC. The lawns have been mowed twice in two days but it is still a big hit corner to corner due to the softness caused by overnight rain.
Round 3, the Western Style Wedding event in the bar is behaving itself very well. And so it should what with the Sheriff keeping tabs on it. But now the Sun (soon to be eclipsed in USA) is getting a little low and those layers are going back on. I have been to Ian's and he has grown a Cucumon, and given it to me. So new is it that my spell checker thinks I am having a laugh. But I have returned to find all the games still going on. Joe beats Betty for 3/3, Marjorie beat Philip in the golden hoop department so play will open in round 4 with those two playing top game.
Round 4 starts in Sunshine and on time. Carol has picked up the spuds for baking at her place. Betty has to play a left handed sweep shot and is not taking any chances with the worm casts, using her waterproof to cover the ground. The Thistles to the South have become very large and are producing wind borne seeds that are blowing our way big time the like of which we have not seen before. Not sure if this is an unusual wind direction or a change in the vegetation. Philip has peel partner through hoop two and has kept the break going. Betty pegs out moving to ¾ on the two hour mark. Joe is using the only pint glass we have. Where have the others gone? We need to become a five pint glass club as soon as we can. Lunch, unlike the weather, is chilli. Carol's potatoes are, oh sorry I need to get the fishing net out for Marjorie's ball in the ditch... done to perfection and arrive right on cue.
The final round starts with several interested spectators who have been learning the Association game. Marjorie v Betty and Joe v John all on Court 1. Any one of these could win, but some need other results to go their way for that to happen. This is tense, Joe's time turn break needs to run rover to level scores at peg & rover each, but he hits the wire. Marjorie gets to 4/5 and so the last tie break, sum of opponents scores, kicks in; Marjorie = 10, Joe = 10, John = 11, so John retained the trophy for a second year.
29th & 30th July
Federation Millennium Advanced 2017
The B Class was played as all-play-all (5 games over two days) with players from Keswick (Ian Hall and Jim Wilson), Bury (David Barrett), Southport (Alan Pidcock), Fylde (Nathan Baker) and Bowdon (Charles Harding). The 5th game on Sunday afternoon turned out to be the final between Ian Hall and Alan Pidcock with Ian Hall winning and thus winning the B Class Event. A special mention to Jim Wilson playing in his first ever Advanced Match and only forgetting one lift!
The A class had players from Pendle (Peter Wilson and Robert Essler), Bury (Paul Kenworthy), Liverpool (Paul Rigge and James Hawkins), Crake (Dave Nick), Bowdon (David Walters) and Fylde (Lee Hartley) who again played all-play-all (7 games over two days). Players triple banked on one of the lawns which seemed to cause few problems and much delight. Going in to the last round it looked like it might be a three way tie with 3 players on 5 wins all of whom had beaten each other. David Walters had beaten Lee Hartley who had beaten Paul Rigge who had beaten David Walters! However in the final round the A Class Manager (Paul) lost which resolved the dilemma. Lee Hartley and David Walters finished on 6 wins each and David won as he had beaten Lee.

The event was held in glorious sunshine and raised £70 for the Federation. Thank you everyone for coming to Fylde and supporting the club and the Federation.
8th & 9th April 2017
Jubilee Trophy Handicap Tournament 2016

Saturday 30th July 2016
10:34 I have a wonderful view across the three lawns here at Fylde, all occupied with our regular visitors and some new entrants. It strikes me all the pegs, peg extensions and corner pegs are exactly as specified in the laws in every respect. Indeed further to that, the secondary clips are all modified for colour vision. One of the three lawns is exactly the right size and I enjoy the diagonal view from yellow flag to red flag through the perfectly formed peg and extension.
12:38 My rather nice lunch is interrupted as the final game finishes, Second round pairings easy as pie (which was also my desert).
14:04 I refereed a shot played by David Lloyd. His ball was in the jaws of penultimate only about 25% through and slightly West of centre. He was attempting a roquet on White about two feet due West of the perfectly formed peg. This was achieved taking some wire with a clean crisp shot.
15:03 there are 112 points scored out of a possible 306 in this round with 90 minuets left. Players are rushing around applying Sun block as the Blackpool micro-climate kicks in. The man in lederhosen is firmly out of my Black Forest weather-house. So I take my jacket off.
15:04 Lost my phone.
15:05 Found phone in jacket pocket. Checked Pokemon. Nothing as usual, wish I was at Bristol with David.
16:14 It is great to see so many spectators here. Oh, hang on, they are not spectators, just players waiting for me to make the next round pairings. The last games are concluding. But there are actually several spectators here today.
16:15 Local man Philip slow plays a shot at a wired ball that curves a few inches to hit.
16:55 Philip is in the best break of the tournament. It is happening on the time turn of the last game to finish which started late. It ends at 4Back and the game is over -2.
17:27 Following long games there are a few players still in the recovery position, getting sprayed with water and cooled down by towel waving trainers, but most third round games started a while ago.
17:29 Jim plays a blinder going to 4back on the third turn. He should have made that hoop but looks as if the adrenalin of a good recovery shot kicked in to make him miss it.
17:43 Mallet Makers on the lawn: John Beech 1, Alan Pidcock 6, John Hobbs 1, David Barrett 4. Three of those Pidcock's are very early models but Statto says they still count.
18:44 Some games still with 90 minuets left on the clock. Few sticking around watching the Sunset, having refreshments and wondering where the yellow clip is on lawn 5.
Sunday 31st July 2016.
9:30 A prompt start in Sunshine. Our club bell may not have the provenance of coming from, say, the Titanic, but it did come from the historical Heworth Hall in Gateshead. It was donated by Aspire TS who moved into and refurbished the building about five years ago. This company also provided the Jubilee Trophy which is being played for today.
10:10 Speaking of the Titanic, the two games on court #1 both have players conceding 14 bisques. I'll keep a look out, but some pulling has been done already.
11:11 No that is not a typo, I have come back from the supermarket with deserts and having refreshed the refreshments. Found all games bathed in Sunshine and surprisingly still in progress.
12:30 The potatoes are taking longer than expected. As are the games.
13:30 We are into the last round now. The Swiss has thrown up a possibility of eight different results, six of which would need a tie break. Three of the four two way ties are sorted at level two ( who beat who) but the remaining one needs level five (AMD) . In the two three way ties possibilities, one is resolved by level four (who beat all the others), while the other is AMD. The fifth level AMD is quality of opponents game scores. Still with me?
14:23 John Henderson makes a long roquet to get back in against Eileen Gallagher. One of these two will end on 4/5 and may win outright if Joe Lennon or Marjorie Eldon do not tie with them. The Rig Helicopter comes over us into Blackpool lower than I have ever seen it. 200 feet? These guys coming back from 14 days on the rig probably asking pilot to give them a view of the clippage on lawn 5.
15:24 Wiring lift on lawn 3 not given to Joe by LW. Looking through the binoculars from the clubhouse I must agree.
15:25 Wondering what will run out first. Denise's bisques or the white wine in the bar. ( I admit this is simply building suspense into the report in homage to Douglas Adams).
16:12 Both Joe and Marjorie have lost, turning the John v Eileen G. game into a simple final.
16:44 John Henderson from Penrith pegs out against Eileen Gallagher from Southport & Birkdale to win the tournament. Uncountable runners up on 3/5.
NICE speech!
16:45 Thank you to all players for their support, conduct, sportsmanship and carrying ball markers. Thank you to the back room staff and helpers. Thank you Ian, those white lines were very straight. Thank you Philip Bass for the beautiful lawns. Thank you Liz Wilson for the main catering and tournament vision.
17:00 Trophy presented by Chairman of FCC, Martin Bradshaw
Those playing:
1. Denise Hoyle 20 Huddersfield
2. Rena Souten 20 Huddersfield
3. Marjorie Eldon 11 Huddersfield
4. Eileen Rossiter 14 Southport
5. Eileen Gallagher 10 Southport
6. Joe Lennon 10 Glasgow
7. Dave Williamson 20 Crake
8. Philip Bass 20 Fylde
9. John Henderson 11 Penrith
10.David Lloyd 8 Crake
11.Jim Allcock 6 Crake
12.Ken Jones 6 Nomad
18:30 it was Denise's bisques that ran out first.
Jubilee Trophy Handicap Weekend 2015
As always, the general tenor of the event was friendly competition. Suitable for those playing in their first tournament or experienced players alike. Saturday evening games saw the two leaders paired and the current holder, Nathan, beat David leaving a pack of six on two wins close behind him.
As I write this on Sunday 11:13 in the comfort of the Manager's salon, the promised rain has arrived and probably the reason Joe has not taken a bisque, suggesting Barry have a rare turn around the court. Barry declines the break but prefers to extract a bisque. The strict Swiss format means that if Catherine, Denise or Joe win their game they may face Nathan in the last round.
Eileen Rossiter wins the waterproof of the week award with a stunning black number.

Slow cooker chilli and Jamie Oliver Stew was the homely and warming food prepared by Liz, with accompanying contributions from Betty, Mart, Isabel and Alan.
Joe is playing Nathan and if he wins they will both have 4/5. David could also get to 4/5 if he beats Gareth in the last round. The tie break is Sonneborn - Berger system, so everyone will need to finish before the tie can be resolved.
3pm and the sky is clear now and many clips have advanced here and there. David is runner up on 4/5 and Nathan is powering through to another 5/5 at Fylde. Our Chairman Martin presented the trophy, a nice early finish to the day.

Athlitikes Personae:
1. Barry Keen, Bowdon
2. Eileen Rossiter, Southport
3. Eileen Galagher, Southport
4. Catherine Bass, Fylde
5. Philip Bass, Fylde
6. Nathan Baker, Fylde
7. Gareth Edwards, Chester
8. David Lloyd, Westmoreland
9. Joe Lennon, Glasgow
10. Rena Souten, Huddersfield
11. Marjorie Eldon, Huddersfield
12. Denise Hoyle, Huddersfield
25th & 26th July
Millennium Short 2015
The tournament was a one day individual singles short lawn event held on Saturday 30th May 2015 the games limited to 75 Minutes base 4.

Block A | Block B | Block C | ||||||
Nathan Baker (5) | Fylde | Chris Evans (5) | Bowdon | Margaret Anderton (3½) | Bury | |||
Margaret Eccles (7) | Bury | Bernice Ward (5) | Penrith | John Lucas (5) | Bowdon | |||
David Lloyd (8) | Westmorland | Philip Bass (8) | Fylde | Mike Miller (6) | Chester | |||
Ian Ward (10) | Penrith | Maureen Corrigan (10) | Chester | Geoffrey Lipshaw (10) | Fylde | |||

The emphasis on a friendly competition with players wearing their Federation Colours.
In addition to Fylde's entries, clubs sent players from Bowdon, Bury, Chester, Penrith and Westmorland.
The general tenor of the event is suitable for newcomers to tournaments but also the experienced players may feel at home here. The weather cool and Sunny, the food warm and homely.
Following on from a three round block eliminator, in the semi finals last years runner up Mike Miller from Chester beat Bowdon's John Lucas and David Lloyd from Westmorland beat the experienced Chris Evans from Bowdon.
With the spectators in place enjoying their afternoon teas the final started and Mike soon took a chance to get his first ball to the peg. The game took an exciting turn when David responded with a great break and pegged Mike's first ball out of the game. And so, much to the interest of those watching, the cat and mouse started, David established a three point lead. Then with sharp tactical awareness took a chance to enter a two ball end game. Now with his back to the wall and time running out Mike made the shot of the day with a fourteen yard roll to hoop two which he then ran to the boundary leaving a rush to hoop three which he also made. He managed to get to ten feet in front of hoop four, if he could run this he would be level and, with being in play, have the advantage, but it was a big ask and in missing the shot retained the runners up trophy for a second year.
A good result for David in his first year. His play is improving rapidly, he looks the part and we look forward to seeing him back next year to defend the trophy.
Jubilee Trophy Handicap Weekend 2014
Now in its third year, promoting friendly competition, the tournament filled up early again: Alison Heywood Hill (18) Tyneside, Colin Green (11) Tyneside, Joe Lennon (9) Glasgow, Philip Bass (22) Fylde, Catherine Bass (22) Fylde, Eileen Rossiter (18) Southport, Eileen Galagher (10) Southport, Harry Midgley (4.5) Phyllis Court, Rena Souten (18) Huddersfield, Nathan Baker (18) Fylde, Denise Hoyle (22) Huddersfield & Marjorie Eldon (11) Huddersfield.
The tournament provided a spectacular sight for the members of Fylde who have worked over the years at improving the facilities and the lawns. All these being well received by the visitors who bronzed themselves in blazing Sunshine on day one. Real Bronze Awards went to Catherine Bass and Rena Souten in round two.
After the first three games of the five round Swiss, Nathan was unbeaten and six players were on two wins. A happy situation for me, as the tournament would therefore be unresolved until the final game. Overnight the lawns soaked up the rains unlike the visitors, who were too exhausted to soak up the Blackpool night-life.
Sunday morning found them both fresh as a Daisy and ready to go as LS739 to Alicante roared down the runway. We get the usual wave from the co-pilot as they climb over the lawn. Sorry for them, missing all this Sunshine. As I write, Nathan has run out of bisques trying a double peel finish. There is plenty of time for Harry who has yet to use his half bisque, but at the end of an exciting game Nathan moved forward. Valiant effort from H. The ROT has done his usual pre lunch inspection and is calling for more Coriander on the Aubergine and Feta Mezze. This now being attended to, there being no appeal. The debate regarding balls moving due to fracking rumbles on.
Other critical games conclude. Colin Beat Denise, Rossy beat Rena and Catherine beat Alison. Setting up a situation where a three way tie was possible if Colin could beat the local man in form. This did not happen. After Colin got to peg, Nathan, playing in his first (free) CA Tournament, finished with the trademark peel and peg out. Runner up: Catherine Bass
26th & 27th July 2014
Millennium Short 2014

The tournament was a one day Individual singles short lawn event held on Saturday 31st May 2014 the games limited to 75 Minutes base 4. The emphasis on a friendly competition with players wearing their Federation Colours.
Block A
Steve Reynolds (3) Bowdon
Michael Miller (8) Chester
Catherine Bass (10) Fylde
Jennifer Mawdsley (10) Southport
Block B
Garry Wilson (3.5) Pendle
Phillip Bass (9) Fylde
Mike Falla (9) Chester
Vi Richards (10) Bury
Block C
John Mawdsley (5) Southport
Chris Evans (5) Bowdon
Nathan Baker (9) Fylde
Jean Hargreaves (10) Bury
Nathan and Steve qualified from their block with 3/3 but a shoot at the peg three way tie break between Garry, Philip and Mike was required to generate the winner of block B. Garry won that. Michael Miller got the wild card int the semi finals. where Nathan beat Garry and Michael beat Steve.
The remaing players chose to settle down with a drink and cake to watch the final. Michael went to peg on the third turn with two bisques. Nathan replied by going to peg also using 2 bisques. Leaving all balls on his leave was to join on the west boundary with Michael in corners 3 and 4. With two bisques standing Michael shot and hit. He needed a bisque to get hoop 3 but then had the misfortune to miss a roquet, sending his ball, isolated in corner 1. With not much choice he took his last bisque from there but missed. Nathan then set off on his all round break and peg out to win.

Jubilee Trophy Handicap Weekend 2013
Live comentary from PW: The first holder of the Jubilee Trophy, Andy Brandwood is back to defend it together with eleven others trying to stop him; Eileen Rossiter (18), Catherine Bass (22), Phillip Bass (22), Terry Vernazza (5), Eileen Gallagher (10), Joe Lennon (10), Janet Davies (14), Ian Smith (20) Fane Conant (18), Graham Good (16) Gareth Edwards (14).
A beautiful morning, 8 Plummers, Andy got his Silver Merit Award. Blisteringly scorchio well before lunchtime. Philip misses Bronze as he looses by two. Afternoon tea cup cakes melting as it gets hotter. We are missing the storms in the South. Graham runs between long take offs like Usain Bolt, sometime arriving before the ball. What was in that fruit cake? Rossy delivers the tournament's first twenty six nil to Andy , she had the short straw so they both finish the day on two wins. Some cool air comes in from the East. Graham, playing one ball, beats Terry to take the overnight outright lead. Three games still in play at 20:00, it is a nice evening, four players not in bare feet.
Live comentary from PW: Rain throughout the night clears for the start of play with an Easterly. The washing up bowl blows away rolling on its edge down lawn 1, judging by that it looks like 8 plummers again even with the rain. One or two injuries on show this morning, some arising from doing a Usain and others from the Blackpool nightlife. It is Barret 6 Pidcock 4 Wood Mallets NZ 1 and John Beech 1 by the way. Jet 2 takes off from Blackpool banking over the lawns, the Alecante passengers should be able to see the misplaced clip on lawn 3 from there. Opening a bottle of Willamette IPA does the trick, the first result comes in and it a win for Graham putting him in a strong position. at lunch.
Graham has beaten Andy in short order with bisques to spare and attracted the eye of the tournament handicapper with his high scoring 5/5. Clinical hoop running and rushing are Grahams strong points at the moment but gets away with a suspended sentence as his tactics are, well, lazy? He comes down naturally to 14, that is ok, well played and congratulations to a rising star. Elsewhere they are settling in for the long haul match. Mini Mouse has just turned up at the Tennis Club for a photo shoot. It must be hot in that outfit. Philip is on for a Bronze again, just needs to win the game. That means the result of Joe versus Janet, which started 24 minuets late, will decide the runner up and the sky is darkening with thunder clouds in the distance. Phlip gets his Merit Award as the rain starts, sending the wedding breakfast revelers inside the Tennis Club Bar. Mini appears to have been decapitated and this seems to please most of the children as they play football with her head. Janet is two ahead time goes, Joe misses. FCC Chairman Martin Bradshaw presents the trophy. So that is it until next year, thanks for tuning in.
Millennium Short 2013
NW Federation Clubs were each invited to send players to participate in the tournament. As the general tenor of the event was to be friendly and pleasant this was a suitable place for new members to experience the joys of tournament play, as indeed some did.
The tournament was a one day Individual singles event held on Saturday 1st June 2013.
As this was not a CA Event the Federation encouraged wearing (with white trousers) a coloured top or ribbon or hat to represent the clubs as in the Festival of Croquet.The first three rounds produced two semi finals; Chris Evans v The holder Jennifer Maudsley and Michael Falla against the best second Garry Wilson. Chris went on to beat Garry in a close game watched by a knowledgeable crowd.
Bowdon (Orange): Chris Evans, Leo Fletcher.
Bury (Yellow): Bob Whittle, Tony Philips.
Chester (Mauve): Michael Miller, Mike Falla.
Fylde (Blue): Catherine Bass, Phillip Bass.
Pendle (Green): Garry Wilson.
Southport (Red): Ian Goulden, Jennifer Maudsley, Pauline Rooney.
Jubilee Trophy Handicap tournament
Winner Andy Brandwood, Bury.
Runner up Robbie Dodds, Shrewsbury.
Third place Joe Lennon, Edinburgh & Robert Fulford, Colchester.
The weather was mainly dry and Sunny but there were occasional brief light showers. With a capacity of twelve players, Peter Wilson ran this as a five round Swiss event. Soon entries were coming in from far and wide:
Andy Brandwood (11) and Graham Saunders (9) from Bury, Eileen Rossiter (18), and Eileen Gallagher (10) from Southport, Brian Christmas (3) and Robbie Dodds (0) from Shrewsbury, Joe Lennon (9) Glasgow, Janet Davies (14) Chester, Malcolm Daines (5) Huddersfield, Susan Fulford (22) and Robert Fulford (-2½) from Colchester, Ian Theakstone (12) Fylde.
FCC Chairman Martin Bradhaw presents Andy with the newly commissioned Jubilee Trophy.
Having advertised this as being the ideal venue to enter your first tournament we were delighted to see Susan doing just that. We were also delighted that Robbie entered and that he achieved a handicap reduction to minus half at the end of the tournament. But having Robert as a player made the tournament very special for all the players and everyone connected with Fylde, we looked forward knowing we would see some amazing play on our lawns.
In Round one we got it from Robbie who, playing Robert, hit on turn 4 and for 1.5 bisques, took his ball to peg, joined up in corner 3 with a cross wire at hoop 1. Robert missed and Robbie completed the game. Andy was also looking in form, completing his game with a straight rover peel.
In Round two Andy beat Robbie +25 with a bisque or two standing. Robert faced his second crosswire against Gally just as one of the heavier showers arrived. He hit in with Red and at 13:44 took croquet for the first time. At 1 Back the waterproof was off and yellow peeled through hoop two. And now peeled though hoop three as Robert makes 4 back with the waterproof on. Finally yellow is peeled through hoop four as Robert takes his waterproofs and both balls off. This left Gally four behind with 7 Bisques remaining. A little cat and mouse ensues and Gally runs out of bisques at 1 back. Robert has a five point two ball break going from 1 back, we are being treated to a master class of hoop running. Good effort from Gally but Robert wins +6.
Round 3 and Graham is trying to do a straight rover peel to beat Robert who is on 1 & 2 but it is going wrong. Robert has hit in and is taking a ball around trying to peel partner as much as possible and succeeds in pegging Graham out. There is some impasse for a while, but with a delightful take off to behind opponents ball in corner three, Robert picks up a break and finishes. Susan chalked up her first victory and Joe beat Brian to lead overnight.
Sunday, weather even more changeable. Robert beat Brian +20TP, Susan achieved a Bronze award against Ian. Janet beat Malcolm and Gally beat Graham. Wins from Andy against Joe and Robbie against Rossy set up four players on 3 points for two deciding matches on lawn 1 in the final round. Robbie faced Joe, Andy faced Robert. The tie break situation was that if Andy won his match, he would win the tournament (having beaten both Robbie and Joe earlier). While if Robert were to win he would be runner up if Robbie were to beat Joe. The manager was ready with a 14 point decider if Joe and Robert won.
But the writing was on the wall. Andy had 11 bisques remaining and the first ball to peg against Robert and then completed the game using only four more bisques. Andy achieved a handicap reduction to 10.
As the remaining games concluded Robert demonstrated a sextuple peeling finish. This together with his play and tactics in general was both remarkable and inspirational. He, together with a handful of players have raised the bar in Croquet to a new level.
Posted by, Peter, 28th & 29th July 2012
The 2012 NW Federation Millennium Short Lawn
Sponsored by Aspire-ts.
Jennifer Maudsley Beats Neil Thompson to win the trophy.
Live Commentary:
Twelve players from six clubs are playing in three blocks. They are wearing Federation team colours. We are about to start the first round and the sun has come out. FCC is looking resplendent with all the equipment in use. A few games going to time and the bisques are running out. On lawn one, in the time turn Imam needs a peel at three, and he makes it! Now he needs to get Yellow to Peg to win ... But no, he has blobbed Four, hard luck there. There is a tie break bonus point for pegging out which will be important for deciding the best runner up out of the three blocks.
From my vantage point in the hut I can see everyone has gone to the toilet. There goes the bell, heralding round two. There is some activity and we are off. It is warming up now and we are seeing more team colours as the layers come off. Iman and Neil, who has first ball to peg now, are doing a great job a masquerading as Blackpool FC fans in their Orange tops. No West Ham lookalikes though. Paul's got one round to peg. The Chilean Merlot is good, especially the second glass. Big turnover on lawn four as Catherine blobs three with an easy pickup for Richard Harvey. Richard has used custard to colour his trouser Yellow for Bury. Beyond the call of duty that.
The lawns are superb, Terry was here before the start trimming them and they are playing like velvet, or is that Merlot? John Maudsley has made the perfect start to his defence of the cup. He is taking the second ball around, and that stylish Red cap is worth an extra bisque. Jennifer has a stunning red nodad and is fighting hard against John H. Penrith are the new team on the block and have Grey to wear. Surprisingly it looks great, let us hope they can send a team to the Festival in a couple of weeks. Clips now gravitating to Rover, but some time tactics are kicking in. The managers nerves are being tested: Will Liz return from the fish and chips run in time? Some players are moving very quickly now in an effort to gain a bonus peg out point.
OK, we are all fed and watered. Philip and Paul have a decider in block A. As do Neil and John M in block B. But in Block C everyone has one point so no one knows how it will end. Irene has a ball around. Did I say Penrith had Grey? It is actually Slate! Armarni Slate, very becoming. Now on lawn six Neil is in with his second ball but it will take some play to gather the balls for a break to peg out. Paul and Philip is now trech warfare. Lawn four can be like that. But you have to fancy The King of Spades (Philip) to dig something out.
Semi finals are sorted and Philip Bass from Fylde is playing Jennifer Maudsley from Southport. Could the trophy be returning to the (other end of) the same mantlepiece we wonder? In the other semi Neil Thompson from Bowdon is playing John Henderson from Penrith, two Sunderland FC fans, what are the chances of that? Handshaking.. it is Neil in the final and he is playing Jennifer!
The final is being played on the infamous lawn two with the hidden hills at one and four. Who will spot them? Philip and John M are playing for first place in the Swiss. Conditions are nearly perfect, just the sounds of the Geese next door, the occasional bisque being pulled and The Prodigy on my PC. Jennifer has the break and is going round with the first ball. It is tidy so far. Stops at rover. Now Neil is replying, he has set up pioneers and is ready to start his break, but it is costly and leaves only one bisque for the partner ball. Jennifer has two bisques and is for hoop two but the balls are on the yard line. She runs it smoothly, can she hold her nerve and finish it with a rover peel? Nope, stuck in three and walking off. Other games are finishing and a small crowd is gathering to watch. Neil shoots, misses. Surely he must take his last bisque here, but no he leave Jennifer to complete running three and if anything she is in a better position now than if she went through first time. She stops at peg leaving oppo on the peg. Neil gets three, but is hampered and it is turn over. Jennifer steps up to a four foot hoop ... She makes it! They think it is all over... It is now.
8th May 2011
The 29th McWeeny Trophy
Fylde hosted the 29th Mcweeny Trophy between the CA and the CAI.
From Left: Jane Shorten (I), Alan Pidcock (E), Brian Lewis (E), Robert Barklie (I), Ben Reves Smith (I), Bob Burnett (ECapt), Jack Clingan (I), Michael O'Shaughnessy (I), Lee Heartley (E), Peter Wilson (E), David Roe (E), Nathanial Healy (ICapt). Picture below: James Hawkins (E).
England's Captain Paul Rigge writes: The Vera McWeeney Trophy is travelling back down to Cheltenham, after being retained by this year's CA squad at Fylde CC. This was the 29th time that England has played Ireland with both having previously held the title fourteen times, England now having the bragging rights 15-14. With the overnight score of 13-10 in our favour, it should have been an easy morning's work to secure the final point required for victory in the last round of doubles outstanding before the visitors left for the airport for their lunchtime flight. However they seemed to dominate most of the play and it appeared at times that only Irish players had turned up since they were occupying all three courts, indeed there was much speculation that if the three doubles went the wrong way, to level the score, the 'dead' singles game from Saturday would have to be played after lunch (Burnett vs Morrison). This proved unnecessary with the final three scores all being secured in timed games, final result; 15-11 after some very nervy play with single yard roquets being missed and wrong balls being played.
The weather was cold, windy, wet and miserable, just the opposite in fact of Fylde CC's hospitality, that was nothing short of superb; They acted as taxi's from/to the airport. The club was bedecked with appropriate bunting and national flags. Local press came down for interviews and pictures that made both the front page and all of page 3 on Saturday (do not ask who modelled for the p3 shot! - no don't!). They billeted all the visitors with club members including feeding and watering them for the weekend. New solid friendships were made this weekend. The Irish were a delight and both teams played in excellent sprit.
CAI Report:
Press cuttings:
Nathaniel Healy beat James Hawkins +15
Bob Burnett beat Robert Barklie +9
Lee Hartley beat Jane Morrison +16
Michael O'Shaughnessy beat David Roe +16
Ben Reeves Smith beat Brian Lewis +8
Peter Wilson beat Jack Clingan +5
Lee Hartley beat Nathaniel Healy +8
James Hawkins beat Robert Barklie +14
Michael O'Shaughnessy beat Brian Lewis +22
Peter Wilson beat Ben Reeves Smith +10t
Jack Clingan beat David Roe +11
Bob Burnett beat Nathaniel Healy +5
Lee Hartley beat Robert Barklie +8
Jane Morrison beat James Hawkins +2
Peter Wilson beat Michael O'Shaughnessy +26
David Roe beat Ben Reeves Smith +8
Jack Clingan beat Brian Lewis +13
Healy & Clingan beat Hartley & Roe +26
Hawkins & Wilson beat Barklie & Reeves Smith +22
Burnett & Lewis beat Morrison & O'Shaughnessy +19
Healy & Clingan beat Burnett & Lewis +17
Barklie & Reeves Smith beat Hartley & Roe +14
Hawkins & Wilson beat Morrison & O'Shaughnessy +12
Healy & Clingan beat Alan Pidcock* & Wilson +2t
Burnett & Lewis beat Barklie & Reeves Smith +1t
Hartley & Roe beat Morrison & O'Shaughnessy +1t
*Alan Picock was substituted for James Hawkins on Sunday Morning.
Match Captain Paul Rigge and Deputy Bob Burnett
15th - 17th July 2011
FCC's first tournament
The NW Federation Millennium Short Lawn Trophy sponsored by Aspire-ts.
Twelve players from six clubs played in three blocks. In the Semi finals, Fylde's own Ken Harper was beaten up by Bury's Bob Whittle who was playing dazzling Croquet and John Mawdsley steady and accurate style from Southport was enough to get the better of Howard Bowron from Penrith. Ken went on to win the plate event and was presented with a wonderful 'plate' of Blackpool rock. There had been a a cloudburst (conveniently) after round one, and this gave the club the chance to show off (and the players to avail) the new canopy which has been generously funded by the CA. The sun then came out and for the final the spectators drew up their chairs and settled in to watch Bob and John play.
After an entertaing and close battle John pegged out. Fylde's Chairman, Martin Bradshaw presented the trophy to John. The general tennor of the event was relaxed and fun and several players made their tournament debuts, which was one of the aims of the event.
8th May 2011