About Us
match reports
League Tables

Club History
Other links
- Croquet England
- Rankings NW Federation
- Oxford
- Cornwall Glossary
- Croquet on Film
- Croquet World On Line
- Maui
Spectators are always welcome. If you are not sure about anything why not pop in for some refreshment and have a chat with us. Telephone Liz on 01253 735266 to arrange for someone to meet and greet you at a suitable time. The season starts in April and ends in October but we have some social events over the Winter and visitors are welcome at them. All the equipment is provided by the club apart from flat shoes.
Health Benefits of Croquet
The club tries to promote a healthy lifestyle through playing Croquet. Although it may be played at any age most of our members are 40+ years old and among other things they benefit from:
- Being outdoors;
- Taking mild exercise;
- Socialising;
- An intellectual challenge.
Dress code
Apart from wearing flat shoes there are no other dress code rules for casual play but, due to the way the ball is hit, ladies find it easier to play in trousers rather than skirts.
We play in royal blue tops and white trousers in league matches and at the NW Federation Festival of Croquet.
Golf Croquet
Members meet very often for afternoon play as a small group often playing doubles. In this game the players take turns to play one shot.
an introduction to Association Croquet
In this game players gain extra shots and can therefore manoeuvre and build breaks. The game includes the 'Croquet Stroke' where the player moves two balls with one shot.
At the start of each season we run beginners Association Croquet courses which usually consist of 6 sessions of about 2 hours each for a small fee (Set off against future membership).
For a good, brief description of Association Croquet click here, but the best way to find out if it is the game for you is to try it!
Association Croquet is by players at all standards but the emphasis at Fylde is on having fun.