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Annual Dinner
We enjoyed last year so we are going back to the Palace Rooms, St Annes, 22nd November 2024.
Fat Cat Fun Day
Fat Cat's back in the house with the Numbers Game, Paper Cup Pyramid, Football Punning and I Can't Remember as the four obstacles to overcome, in moving teams, for the eternal glory of the Honours Board. As you can see the Jacobs Join was a wonderful treat this year. Thanks to Jan, Jean and Cyd for the organisation.
2nd April 2023
Curry meet up
Twenty four members moderately raised the the club's record Scoville Scale this afternoon (To about 42,000). Thanks to the Red Fort in Lytham for opening a couple of hours early for us. We were pleased to see how busy they were as we all left.
16th January 2023
Annual Dinner
Jan and Cyd did it again raising 18 hours worth of lawn cutting with the help of the generosity of the raffle and of Dahlias Restaurant which served us well.
The usual seat jigging was choreographed by The Boss who also awarded 3 Blues to our new team players.
Barbara praised the Falcons golf team who won the North Division league and gave each a scroll and tube of Smarties because they always looked so smart.
13th November 2022
Jubilee Celebrations

2nd June 2022
And that was all folks for 2020 & 2021

1st December 2020
Fun Day 2020
Held at the club house 24 hopefuls tried four rounds of mental and physical challenges. Rachel was one of the best cup-pyramid-builders taking her team through the last game and to her overall personal victory.

26th January 2020
Fylde Annual Dinner and Prize Giving
A lovely montage of the runners and riders at our Annual Dinner. Centre stage are 5 of our 15 new members this year. Surrounding from top right working clockwise Fylde’s very own band “Primary Colours”, Earning their blues for first time representing Fylde competitively – Aileen Watt and Alison Broughton and presenting the awards to the Fylde Internal Competition winners founder member Geoffrey Lipshaw with Maurice Myers ( Trafalgar Plate Handicap Golf), Ian Theakstone (Green Trophy Handicap AC), Jan Smith and Cyd Harbottle (Tower Trophy Handicap Golf Doubles), Liz Wilson (Rose Bowl AC Advanced) and Cyd Harbottle (Midgeland Trophy Handicap Golf). We had a wonderful night, netting £285 for the club. A well organised event (thank you Cyd, Jan and Liz) with good food and good company.

9th November 2019
Peg Leg Pirates
Navigating around the stormy weather a huge turn out including many new members played this new game on the lawns before a hot pot supper in the club house.
9th August 2019
Fat Cat Fun Day
Lee gets tour de force 4/5 to win the trophy this year.

Relay race, Photo quiz, fit the word, reverse raffle, jacobs join, Identify the crisp from the packet.
27th January 2019
Christmas Social
Fylde Croquet Club met at Lytham Hall for a wonderful tour guided by Denise and Sue. Everyone was amazed by how much there is to see there now. 24 members and guests had a wonderful afternoon finishing with a private afternoon tea in the upstairs room above the café. To be recommended!

17th December 2018
Annual Dinner

39 Members and guests assembled at Dahlias for the Fylde Croquet Club Annual Dinner. The usual jollity, table swapping and prize giving resulted in a most enjoyable evening with Guests commenting on the friendliness of the club members. Fund raising resulted in a contribution to the club of £330. Well done to Jan and Cyd for organising such a good event and massive thanks to Betty, Cath, Alan and Ian AKA “Primary Colours” for providing the entertainment.
10th November 2018
Fun day
A Jacobs join Sunday afternoon with some mental, physical and mystery games to keep us occupied on a rainy day. Cryptic Drinks, Picture Quiz Fruits, Monuments and British Actors, Crackerjack, The much loved reverse raffle and Malteezers a go-go.

Thanks to all who supported the event with donations and amazing raffle prizes, as well as Jan & Cyd for their organisation and encouragement.
21st January 2018
Shovels lunch
A get together at this sports bar. A modist attendance sampling the Christmas menu which was rather good.
9th December 2017
Annual Dinner
Once again at Dahlias Kitchen, where they looked after our foibles and forty six covers very well as usual.
Those winning external tournaments were represented with their trophies followed by presentations to our internal tournament winners.
We then had some live music from 'Triple Peel' our club's band. Using various specialised Ukuleles they started with a composition celebrating the achievements of our retiring Chairman. Was that a tear in his eye during the verse with Longman wins in it? They followed it with some Alabama Blues.
Our guests and members were most generous in donating raffle prizes and we raised just over £400 for club funds overall on the evening. That is a lot of mowing money! Thank you all for attending.

Remembrance Sunday 2017

Raising £40 and providing the participants with some Christmas cards, this was a great event. The sounds of laughter and enjoyment filled Glengarry.

Thanks to all who attended and Jan & Cyd for bringing the glitter and everything else!.
4th October 2017
Salters Wharf Carvery
A big turn out for the meal and the preceeding putting or pitch and put. The greens and course at St Annes are very well maintained right now.
10th July 2017
Art and Social Afternoon

Ten took part this year themed playing with Water Colours, run by Betty.
East Beach was bathed in Wintery Sunshine for the first task of looking through the window.
Sunday 5th February 2017
Fun day
On 15th January at East Beach.
Holidays and illness prevented some from attending but an amazing jacobs join materialised from the fifteen that came on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Betty won the six round challenge: Spot the Choc, Aches and Pains, Masked Celebs, Album Covers, Bouncy Balls and Float the Boat.

To play those we split into teams, but came together to eat lunch. That was followed by a very entertaining reverse raffle. Everyone was given 5 tickets and the first six tickets won the pick of six prizes. But the ticket picking continued to the last ticket from the hat. If you number came out you could steal any prize from someone. It was great fun.
January 2017
Annual dinner
We revisited Dahlias Kitchen as everyone enjoyed it last year and they looked after us very well again. They accommodated our table plans and seat swapping easily. New members were introduced and visitors from other clubs thanked for their support.
Tournament winners were presented with their prizes and a special moment at the end was for Philip and his CA Diploma.
Jan and Cyd arranged the evening and their hard work sold thirty nine tickets. The club is indebted to everyone bringing a raffle prize which raised over a months mowing costs.

Saturday November 12th
Fun day

Twenty five attended at East Beach for the fun day organised by Cyd and Jan and this raised club funds ready for the new year ahead. The Gods looked favourably on our guest Stewart and guided him to a fine victory picking his way through Picture Quiz, Spot the Lyrics, Malteezer Shuffle and in the Origami Frog Long Jump his was the winning jump by a very long way. The trophy was presented by the Chairman.
Sunday 17th January 2016
Flood warnings, blowing a gale but everyone made it.
Saturday 28th November 2014
Annual Dinner 2015
Dahlias, situated within 'The Garden Place' garden centre on Cropper Road was an inspired venue for us. The staff looked after us and our seat swapping without batting an eyelid. And we were given a great selection of food to choose from. That turned out to be delicious. A word from our Chairman, prize giving and a very well supported raffle followed the meal.

Table D won the table top treasure hunt, finding everything required: A small white pebble : A packet with the letter “ART” on it : A blade of grass : A picture of a strawberry – not on a phone! : A Booths Loyalty Card : A picture of a humming bird : A relief picture of Isambard Kingdom Brunel : A pair of scissors or tweezers : Some acetylsalycilic acid
Click here for a gallerySaturday 7th November
drums and croquet
A brilliant social event! Worldwise Samba Drummers proved to be quick learners around the courts.
We had a four round GC tournament followed by a recital of some of their music. This also entertained the Tennis players who were out in force too. Then FCC took over the drumming and we were good too, but not as good.
Pie and peas followed while we watched the final. This was something different, organised by Betty who plays in both camps.
22nd July 2015
Summer Barbeque
Ian allowed us the use of his garden, BYOB and As in previous years you needed to bring your own stuff to cook on the barbi, your drinks, and something for the Jacobs join and also a donation to club funds.
Friday 19th June
Pre Season Get together Meal
A change of venue for us this time, we went to San Marcos, which is on Lytham Road, Blackpool FY4 at the junction with Highfield Road. They loked after us very well and we raised a gentle 60.00 in the process.
Tuesday 23rd March
Jayne won the event with for wins out of five. Philip and Christine were second.

Games this year: match the Olympic venue to the event, Christmas song lyrics, picture round, spot the logo and the spaghetti marshmallow tower contest.

Over one hundred pounds raised for the club.
18th January 2015
Annual Dinner 2014
We returned to Green Drive Golf Club.

The food was excellent and plentiful. New Social Secretaries Jan and Cyd made a great job of it (ensuring they will be well supported when it comes to election time at the AGM) and everyone had a wonderful time. Over 70 pounds was made for club funds despite fewer attendees this year. The usual seat swapping ensured everyone had the opportunity for plenty of socialising. Picture shows (from the left) Internal competition winners Terry (Cyd accepted in his absence) Jan, Lee (accepting an external tournament trophy) Sue and Nathan (who won a handful!)

Posted by Liz, 8th November 2014
What do you get when you mix a dozen club members & friends, lots of glitter, card & some glue? A mess? Wrong! Thanks to the expert leadership & patience of our Crafty Social Secretaries, Jan & Cyd we all produced some lovely Xmas cards & had a go at some other "crafty" ideas. Didn't realise you could turn an old paperback into a hedgehog did you - well now we can show you how it's done! Scones & cake were consumed & a great time was had by all ( though perhaps not by Liz who is no doubt still hoovering up the glitter from the new carpet! ). Thanks again for a fun afternoon Jan & Cyd - we look forward to a repeat some time. Fifty pounds made for club funds.
Posted by Denise, October 2014