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Long Term Drainage Improvements
The King of Spades has come up trumps again with a plan for Winter to shore up the West ditch.
24th November 2020
The Wild Flower meadow
Wild flower meadow now sown - we just need some rain and fingers crossed for a lovely display next summer

1st October 2020
The Trafalgar Plate
Last competition of the season (apart from any new ones we make up!). Well done to Derek winner of the Trafalgar Plate Handicap Golf who beat Philip 7 – 1 with extra turns standing!

1st October 2020
The FAST Trophy
The Fylde Association Short Tournament.
On Sunday Fylde Croquet Club organised a members only short lawn one day short association tournament. 12 member played in three “Bubble” blocks with the three winners and the highest scoring loser progressing to a semi-final and final knock out. Each player was allocated two balls, two clips, a chair and a mug at the start of the day. This provided some wonderful colour combinations on the lawns and some members even wore the colours of the balls they were allocated. In the first round the manager allowed Peter and Phil to play the final of the other short internal competition (The Bernard Leather). In this game Phil narrowly sneaked a victory 14 – 10. A very close game.

Block winners were Phil Snowden, Jim Allcock and Andrew Webb with Ian Theakstone the highest scoring runner-up. Phil slaughtered Ian 14 – 0 but the other semi was a very close match which could have gone either way. A missed hoop by Andrew let Jim in and he took a ball round from2 to peg to win 14 – 11. The final between Jim and Phil was soon over. Phil played precisely and confidently to win 14 – 0 with 2 bisques standing. His handicap triggered to 6. A wonderful day with much sunshine and laughter – well done everyone. Surely one of the positives of this Covid situation is the extra time members have had with their fellow players. We are hoping to keep going well into the winter
20th September 2020
The Bernard Leather
Thirteen players entered the tournament played over the second half of the season under C-19 rules. The final of the Bernard Leather was between Peter Wilson and Phil Snowden and was played, by agreement between the two players and the manager, as the first block game of Sunday’s FAST Trophy Tournament. Phil won in a very close game which could have gone either way. Congratulations to Phil.

20th September 2020
The Tower Trophy

The Tower Trophy final was played in glorious sunshine between Barbara and Ted Walker vs Alison Broughton and Shelagh Fagen. Both partnerships were taking it very seriously which showed in some nerves at the beginning. Alison and Shelagh won 7 – 2 – a comprehensive win. Congratulations to all members for playing the competition so fluently. 14 couples played a total of 45 games during the shortened season.
16th September 2020
Philip Snowden wins the Green trophy

Philip Snowden beat Alan Moreton in the Green Trophy final. Philip triggered to handicap 18 and narrowly escaped a second chop from our club handicapper.
Philip used three bisques to set up and get to hoop four. From there he proceeded to Rover with a tidy leave without using any more. This wonderful turn put Alan under a lot of pressure and when his chance came his prolonged sitting out certainly did not help as he had to quit the lawn on hoop five.
The game became slightly interactive for a while as Philip became a tad defensive. Nevertheless two bisques remained standing when he pegged out to the applause of the spectators.
12th September 2020
Liz does it again

A good display of Advanced Croquet by Liz proved more than enough to beat Peter in the final.
12th September 2020
The Progress Cup

Level Play Golf. 12 members took part in the event played over one afternoon. Handicaps ranged from 3 to 12 and the higher handicap players acquitted themselves well with no wipe out scores registered. If fact 1/3 of the games went to a golden hoop. The three block winners plus the highest scoring losers played a semi-final and a final. Semi-finalists were Ian vs Betty and Jan vs Philip Bass. The two going through to the final were Betty and Philip. This was won by Philip who retained the trophy which he also won last year.
5th September 2020
The Honour Guard

27th August 2020
Midgeland Trophy

Played on a cold but dry Bank Holiday Saturday 14 members turned up to contest this handicap golf internal tournament. A four round swiss format with the option to retire after three rounds produced only two members on 3 out of three – Ted Walker and Shelagh Fagen. The final saw some accurate shooting and hoop running with Shelagh winning 7 – 5. Congratulations to Shelagh and to runner-up Ted with Philip and Jude also finishing on 3 out of four.
29th August 2020
Remembering Martin Bradshaw

Martin was a true gentleman, known for his dedication, great sense of humour and exceptional skill in playing croquet. A Founder member of our club, Chairman and finally President of our club he was also active in the local community at Lytham. He will be sadly missed by us. Our condolences go to his son Tom and family at this very sad time.
Martin always wore shorts and long white socks – a unique look, always showing his unfailing loyalty to Fylde Croquet Club from its beginnings at Fairhaven Lake to its present location at South Shore Tennis Club. Members will miss him for his presence at many Fylde Events and his great sense of humour both in everyday company and particularly in his unprepared after dinner speeches which had everyone in stitches!.

In 2007 Martin took our club to the greatest achievement in our history by captaining Our Longman Cup Team to victory at Wrest Park. PLEASE do click here , he was simply the best.
But then, he only went and and defended it in 2008 ! PLEASE do click here , he would match anyone on the lawns.
16th August 2020
Lawn Report
The mower blade was dropped a little further. and the lawns are playing well. There has been several inches of rain in the last few days but the lawns continue to drain perfectly.
26th July 2020
Falcons win first Walker Challenge cup

A socially distanced competition between as many of the two golf teams who wished to play – 24 in all – different time slots. The Falcons won 14 ½ to 9 ½ . Everyone had a great time with 8 of last year’s new members playing and learning from observation of the more experienced players. This is an event that should be repeated every year – well organised and totally inclusive which demonstrates the Fylde Croquet Club philosophy. Well done Jan, Barbara and Cyd. The picture shows a covid style trophy presentation.
25th July 2020
Millennium Handicap 2020
Philip Snowden and Liz are representing FCC at Pendle this weekend. The Manager has paired them together in the first round!

Three members represented Fylde in the Millennium AC Handicap Tournament at Pendle. Phil Snowden was entering his first tournament and did well winning three out of 5 - losing to the winner and one of the runner-sup. Philip Bass and Liz (called in to even up the numbers) also did well winning two out of five. A great day with lots of smiling people happy to be out socialising at a distance. The local farmer entertained us with grass cutting at speed, followed the next day by collection using a harvester and a relay of tractors and trailers. - It didn't put Philip off his game! The overall winner and runner-up both Anne and Chris Alvey both represented Bury.
11th July 2020
Lawn Report
The lawns are playing at 6 plummers after the mower blade was dropped a little further.
Short lawns 3 & 4 have been markesd and set.
10th July 2020
Lawn Report

2nd June 2020
Lawn Report
Our roving reporter, Lorna N'dawarda explains that now the C19 restrictions have been lifted slightly, hoop setting is underway. Low cutting will start but the ground staff will not be providing white lines. Large corner posts can be used to judge the boundary for these social games. A calendar for court reservations and mowing has been created. Please use it!
The committee will be circulating a set of temporary rules on the use of the lawns and equipment during the C19 pandemic. These will be based on our governing body's guidelines and those of Tennis.
Keep smiling everyone
12th May 2020

Keep smiling everyone
5th May 2020
Essential maintenance goes on
The tennis club groundsman is keeping the grass down with the ride on mower. Phil and Rachel Snowden have been down to spread essential spring feed A week later Philip Bass hollow tined the lawns A week later Liz went down and sprayed weed killer A week later the ditch to the culvert has been cleared and the daisies look like they are losing the will to live

Keep smiling everyone
24th April 2020
covid 19
Our governing body, The Croquet Association, has been in touch with the Government and received confirmation regarding lawn maintenance during the lock down. The Government acknowledge the long term nationwide damage that would follow if lawns could not have the basic maintenance done. All work has to follow social distancing rules and those doing the work need to follow the instructions about lowering the risks of getting, or passing on, the C19. A basic cutting routine is being done by SSLTC. We have been able to make a scheduled treatment application which has gone well and the weather has been ideal in the days following. Thank you to those that have helped.
The club has had a remarkable response from the membership who have paid their annual subscriptions despite the prospect of not being able to play for a while yet. Without that support our club would be facing even more difficulties than we are a present.
8th April 2020
“Fix-it” day
13 members split into teams to Paint the Pavilion (completed!), Burn the rubbish (Completed!) Spread Moss killer (completed!) and continue with renovation on Ally Pally (getting there!) and tidying the lawn surrounds (getting there!) What a wonderful turn out in beautiful sunny weather. The Chairman estimates that Alison and Rachel walked 2 ½ miles between them and that over 2000 square feet of paint was applied by team Lindsay. Well done everyone – no need to mention names as they are all in the pictures.

8th March 2020
Fun Day 2020
Held at the club house 24 hopefuls tried four rounds of mental and physical challenges. Rachel was one of the best cup-pyramid-builders taking her team through the last game and to her overall personal victory.

26th January 2020
Ally Pally Day 4
Ted and Barbara continued their weeding around AP. Peter & Liz completed the two inside sides of AP. This forms an inner shell to AP with a plastic membrane between it and the outer walls. Small ventilation panels will allow air to circulate and prevent dampness.
Philip has started refurbishing the sliding doors by removing parts of the window frames that have become rotten and letting in new wood. Liz painted one side with the protective wood seal.
25th January 2020
Ally Pally Day 3
Ted, Barbara and Liz did more weeding. Geoffrey, Shelagh, and Ian were with Philip doing the second side of AP.
19th January 2020
Ally Pally Day 2
Ted, Barbara, Lyndsay and Carol cut back the hedgerow while Alan and James painted the huts. Also helping Philip with AP were Derek, Phil and Liz.

18th January 2020
Ally Pally Day 1
Following much discussion regarding replacing or renewing AP a set of plans was drawn up by Philip and the delivery of the materials took place today. Geoffrey, Peter, Liz and Philip spent some time in moving it ready for more work on 18th. Geoffrey dismantled the insides of A.P. and the new back and one side panel installed.
15th January 2020
Lawn Report
It has been a long time since we heard any reports from Lorna Ndawarda and yet again she has not arrived. Perhaps she was unable to get past the flooded pathway, or the Hard Tennis Courts took her attention. Certainly nothing to see on the Croquet courts today, despite the twentyfourhourdeluge we are in the middle of.
15th December 2019
CA GC Handicapper appointment
Congratulations to Alan Morton on becoming Fylde's first CA GC Handicapper.
22nd November 2019
King of spades down under

9th November 2019
Coaching Badges
Cyd and Jan have been given G/C coaching badges. Philip has been awarded a A/C club coaching badge.
9th November 2019
Fylde Annual Dinner and Prize Giving
A lovely montage of the runners and riders at our Annual Dinner. Centre stage are 5 of our 15 new members this year. Surrounding from top right working clockwise Fylde’s very own band “Primary Colours”, Earning their blues for first time representing Fylde competitively – Aileen Watt and Alison Broughton and presenting the awards to the Fylde Internal Competition winners founder member Geoffrey Lipshaw with Maurice Myers ( Trafalgar Plate Handicap Golf), Ian Theakstone (Green Trophy Handicap AC), Jan Smith and Cyd Harbottle (Tower Trophy Handicap Golf Doubles), Liz Wilson (Rose Bowl AC Advanced) and Cyd Harbottle (Midgeland Trophy Handicap Golf). We had a wonderful night, netting £285 for the club. A well organised event (thank you Cyd, Jan and Liz) with good food and good company.

9th November 2019
BIG Trophy
Nine new members competed for the Fylde Beginners In Golf Trophy. The weather was glorious and a 4/5 round Swiss event kept all competitors happily occupied. Also busy were the 4 experienced players rushing on with rule corrections and refereeing decisions. Derek Matthews won with 4 straight wins and four players ended up on 3/5 with the runner-up (Phil Snowden) decided on net hoops. Well done to all who played. We hope to see you all playing competitively next season and offering to play in the league matches.

19th September 2019
F.A.B report
All four 2019 AC beginners entered the FAB Cup this year. All of them have come such a long way in mastering a very difficult game. Coach Liz Wilson said she would be happy if they made 4 hoops in a game and all of them managed at least that. The format was all play all and by the end of game three more than one of the competitors was completely exhausted with the tactical thinking. Phil Snowden won all three games and even pegged out in the first game and continued by scoring 11 hoops in the other two. The other competitors won one game each. Pictures shows (from left to right) Mike Sault, Carole Waters, Rachel Snowden, Philip Snowden. And the other one Liz Wilson falling over in amazement as Philip achieves a peg-out.

Well done guys – Lizzie is proud of you!
14th September2019
Liz wins the Bowl
Liz beat Peter 2-0 in the best of three Bowl.
24th August 2019
Maurice wins Trafalgar Plate Final

Maurice and Sue C made a special day of this by both contributing to the club funds and by encouraging spectators to be there. Patricia had prepared strawberry meringues and cakes as well as a jug of Pimms No1. Court 1 was in use and the players both donned their blues in the Sunshine. M took 4 XT and S had 1 XT, Boss was the Referee in charge.
There were several moments worthy of recording. M came out of the traps playing a good Blue and took an XT to position it on the sweet spot. S could have gone to half way but chose to shoot at Blue with her next two shots. Although missing, it was a correct decision as M crashed through landing near hoop two and of course taking an XT to position.
S kept her cool and at hoop four dislodged Blue which had been placed with an XT. S then made some 5 foot hoops with well controlled smooth strokes but M kept his nose in front. Play continued with hoops being shared when hoop 10 with M leading 5-4 was approached. M used his XT but slightly overhit it and dribbled through the hoop, which of course did not score. The other balls arrived and M played Black backwards to 6 inches infront of the hoop. S was in good position to clear it but something went wrong in the shot and Black was knocked through. This was a big turning point in the match because it also meant M was first to approach 11 and also first to shoot at it.
S played the fourth ball (Yellow) towards the hoop. Blue had an angled 5 footer, the spectators held their breath, would S take her XT to clear Blue or hope for a miss and a point next with Red? S chose to hold back the XT and M made the hoop to win 7-4.
24th August 2019
The 2019 News Archived Here
11th November 2018