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BIG Trophy

5 New members contested the trophy with Claire Pearson beating Colin Galbraith in the final game. Well done to all for playing in the face of storm Arwen.
27th November 2021
Annual Dinner

Back to Daliah's for a wonderful meal and get together. Trophy presentations and table movement arranged by Liz.
Jan was the co-ordinator as usual, assisted by Jean running the raffle which had many handsom donations from the members and guests.
Following Phil Snowden's All England sucess we honoured NW Federation Chair Paul Rigge for his weekly coaching by presenting the New Zealand Tray to him with a ten man haka.
Philip Bass (Sunday), Captain Catherine Bass (Saturday), Allison and Barry Broughton won the Short Croquet at the Festival. Four Corners gave a floor show including a moving performance of 'HiHoSilverLining' accompanied by the audience on combs and paper.
13th November 2021
Claire wins fab
Peter reports from Short Lawn 1; Clare Pearson beat Colin Galbraith by 1 point in the fianal of the FAB trophy.
This is an invitation tournament for our newest members who have started to play the Association game. After the match the referee in charge commended both players for their enterprising play and the many good shots from them both. He explaines that the competition is for those who want to improve and play in the league and tournaments. For this reason I was available to help both players on points of law and ettiquette during their game. The match was very close all the way through and fortunes changed several times.
14th October 2021
Barry wins fast
8 members took part in this one day Association Short Competition.
Two seeded blocks of 4 played three games with peg points counting as a tie breaker. Both blocks had a winner on 3 out of 3. Phil Snowden won block A and Barry won block B.
The final resulted in a win for Barry who held his nerve to win 14 – 9
Block A : Phil Snowden, Alan Morton, Catherine Bass, Alison Broughton.
Block B : Liz Wilson, Philip Bass, Barry Broughton, Colin Galbraith.
10th October 2021
Pirates ahoy
Twenty seven members turned up on this Sunny afternoon to see what they might plunder. Barbara Walker played a canny game or two and won the day.
Thanks to the managers Cyd and Jan for running the show and we all met up in the clubhouse for a hot pot supper. The event produced £90 for club funds.
18th September 2021
He's back from sidmouth
After Qualifying from the area final at Bury Coronation Part Phil went to the All England Finals at Sidmouth and returned as the outright winner and holder of...
The competition involved ten successful players from all the Croquet Association regions, previous winners include future World Champions.
Five matches were played over the weekend and Phil had a close game in the first, just failing by 21 points to 25. Coming back strongly he then won the next two games by 19-15 and 26-3.
A brilliant start on Sunday saw him win his first game 26-0, and at the lunch break he was in joint second place with all to play for.
The tense final match round resulted in a loss but the scores were so tight that the overall winner had to be decided on overall hoop points scored – which Phil won by +8 hoops.
A terrific result for Phil who has only been playing for just over two years and joined Fylde Croquet after a croquet demonstration event at Fairhaven Lake. Phil commented “I entered the regional qualifying round but really didn’t expect to make it to the Final in SIdmouth so I am shocked and delighted to come home with such a beautiful trophy.” Fylde Croquet’s Chair Liz Wilson added “This trophy and the New Zealand Plate which is presented to the winning club has been won before by Fylde member Betty Bates in 2009 and we are delighted and thrilled to have it back with us for the year.”
Posted by Liz, 5th September 2021
Betty Bates and Lee Hartley in Hunstanton
The four day competition drew 24 entrants from all over the country and included handicap and level play which was played in classes A B C D depending on handicap. Handicaps ranged from - 1.5 to 12.
The warm weather resulted in fast lawns and Betty coped very well to win the D class competition. Lee played in the A class and won 3 out of 5, and won 4 out of 6 in the mixed handicap.
The coaching arranged on Thursdays at Fylde lead by Liz Wilson and Paul Rigge was instrumental in the success of Neil Adams from Westmorland, who emphatically won the handicap and the level C, only losing one of his games over the four days and gaining his Croquet Association Bronze and Silver badges.

Picture: Janet Kendal, Chairman, Hunstanton Croquet Club presents trophies to the Winners of the 122nd Annual Four Day AC Tournament on 31/08/2021: Back row: Philip Eardley (A-Class) & Peter Thompson (B-Class). Front row: David Houston (Runner-up in the Egyptian), Neil Adams (C-Class & Egyptian); & Betty Bates (D-Class).
Posted by Shelagh, 31st August 2021
He's on his way to sidmouth

Playing at the Area Final in Bury Coronation Park, Phil qualified for the All England Final (4/5 September) to be held in Sidmouth.
Whatever the results the committee and members thank Phil for putting our small club back in the headlines.
I had the pleasure of being ROT and also for providing a report to the CA website. I have been requested to post that report here.
Gediminas Smolskas won the A/C All England Area Final at Bury 21/22 August 2021 Although Bury CC gave him a handicap adjustment to 14 just before the tournament Ged remained the bookies favourite to take a qualifying place in the final. Phil Snowden (Fylde CC) took the other place on offer. While many a good game was played the best rumble was between Ged and Phil in the final round played in strong Sunshine. It provided wonderful entertainment for the spectators: Ged was on 5 and peg, Phil on 1 and 1 when Phil got in and pegged Ged out. The ensuing three ball ending between these two talented players ( each with one bisque remaining) was a treat to watch. Both players favoured the direct break building approach without much hiding, lurking or taking pos. With Phil on peg and peg time was called Ged hit in from distance (This was the only game in the weekend that went to time). He made 10 and 11 and faced a shot to run Rover which would win the game +1, however it only jawsed, leaving the scores tied. Phil missed a 10 yarder at the peg and Ged ran the trivial Rover to take a clean sweep and an automatic handicap reduction. Commiserations to Richard Leach (Bury CC) in third place who has a relaxed style and plays with a fast steady rhythm that is a pleasure to see. The Coronation Park Venue was in terrific shape with the hoops set perfectly and the lawns playing reasonably easily. Jean Hargreaves made the tournament management look effortlessly easy. (Personal note: making this one of the most enjoyable I have played.) Roger Schofield and Alan Moreton also made some fine play during the event. (Personal note: Especially against me, vbg). This historic tournament has been running for almost one hundred years. First won in 1923 by J B Hubbard. It provides a wonderful experience for new tournament players who can experience the challenges of competition and also learn etiquette and possibly some of the finer points of the Laws as they play. If your club has a rapid improver or two and you do not regularly enter, please take some time, perhaps at your next AGM, to consider organising a qualifying internal tournament and entering. Your young stars will thank you for their chance.
Posted by the Webmeister, 22nd August 2021
Yep, Lou's won another one!
John Cutler at Crake. North West Federation Handicap Golf Tournament featured 12 players from seven different clubs: Westmorland, Chester, Fylde, Penrith, Pendle & Craven, Crake Valley and Bury.
A heavy soaking of the lawns the night before meant they ran slow to start but speeded up as the sun smiled.
2 blocks of 6 meant everybody got 5 games at the end of which it was calculated who had won most games and most hoops if equal to determine semi finalists.
Howard Bowron, despite giving free shots galore being a 2 handicapper, still managed to get to the semis where he succumbed to Tom Grievson.
The other semi was contested between David Carpenter, of Pendle & Craven, losing out to our own Lou Pel.
Tom and Lou then contested the final, watched by all competitors, with Lou coming out the eventual winner 7-4 !
2 trophies were awarded, one to be given back next year and another that Lou will keep for ever.
A big thank you to Sandra who ran the tournament in a truly beautiful location, the smile from Lou lit up the venue and I swear the flowers bowed as she passed by.

22nd August 2021
Opening the Gimmee
Tom Bradshaw and his children, Tabatha, Viola and Rufus, came to open the Gimme today. Each cut one ribbon of primary colours, we have left the ribbons in place. Tom made a speech thanking the club for using the legacy to such good effect. Each of them planted a special wild flower in 'Martin's Meadow'. The details of the meadow and the plants and grasses growing in it can be seen in an illustrated book that is in the Croquet Shed. Best friends John 'Lordy' Lord and Tim & Hazel Batho also attended.

17th July 2021
We Wear Blue

A true blue mention to our other players: Open GC , Jan and Sue: Hcp GC , Cyd (NPC) Ted, Barbara & Jude: Handicap A/C , Betty (C), Phil, Philip & Ian. OI! VAR! mmmm, we wuz robbed again here and in the main event.
15th July 2021
Bronze Medal
Philip Snowden has received the CA Bronze Merit Award. This was achieved at our Jubilee Tournament.
31st July 2021
Internal Competions
The Midgeland Trophy (Handicap G/C) was won by Lou Pel and this triggered a handicap reduction.
For the third year in a row, Philip Bass won the Progress Cup (Open G/C).
The two tournaments were well supported and managed by the Boss.
11th July 2021
Drain that lawn Lorna
Our rovin reporda, Lorna Ndawarda, has been DTL (down the lawns) looking at the the ditch work on the go! She estimates it be finished in a week and thanks the CA who are giving us a grant for this work. Launa was impressed by the skill of our freelance barrow operators, Matt and Jacob. The other helpers Philip, Liz, Lindsay, Sue, Jude and Andrew also took her eye. The expenditure on chippings to fill over the pipeline, provided by Southport, means we will have less maintenance re-digging the ditch in the years to come. Oh, and it should be easier to retrieve a ball from the ditch now, possibly without the use of a safety net!

15th Jun 2021
Heat wave
1st June 2021
a busy day for Fylde
It's been a busy day for Fylde members. Many of the golf players met up for a mini competition organized by Jan and Cyd. Long serving members (3 + years) were paired with the newer members for 3 rounds of doubles. The highest scorer from each winning.
22nd May 2021
Gimme Shelter

How he played Croquet
Now he's built our shelter
We can play all day.
Oh when you're sittin out
Waitin for a turn to come
Just say 'Mart! gimme shelter!'
Call him with this song.
Mmmmm, when the flood is threatening
Your game of Short Croquet
Or when the Sun is burnin
You're too hot to play.
Oh Martin, you're just a shot away
You're just a shot away
Oh Martin, when you gimme shelter
You're just a shot away
shot away shot away yeah!
10th May 2021
Bradshaw Trophy
The Green Trophy has been renamed the Bradshaw Trophy.
26th May 2021
Fylde players open account.
Congratulations to Fylde members Lee Hartley and Phil Snowden winning both trophies at Pendle today. Lee won the Level play and Phil the handicap - well done both!
24th April 2021
Fylde players do Pendle ODT.
No less than 7 Fylde members took up the 13 places in the One Day Association Tournament at Pendle Well done to Lee for winning the A Class and to Phil as runner-up in the Handicap Event. And commiserations to Liz for being joint winner of the wooden spoon – no wins! Also playing Betty, Ian, Andrew and Jim
4th April 2021
Let's play
The hoops are all set and marked, the lawns cut with a moderate setting and the league matches posted to the Fixtures Calendar.
The court booking calendar link is available from our home page and filling up rapidly. The pavillion has a new roof. Work will soon start trying to fill the worst of the dips and hollows we have. As usual the lawn surface profile has moved over the Winter. . Our rovin reporda, Launa Ndawarda, came out of shielding and is amazed at the work that has been done over Winter.
3rd April 2021
FCC website wins prestigious award
Having been globally shortlisted last week, FCC won 'Best Website in the World'. At the gala zoom meeting an emotional Webmeister spoke of all the people who had helped and contributed over the last twenty years. Although a very short speech the audience were moved by the Webmeister's humbleness, sinserity and spelling. The four feet high statue is being shipped from China, directly to Preston Marina on the container ship 'Ever Given'.

1st April 2021
It is in the pipeline

Don dropped in from S&BCC with some unwanted drainage paraphernalia which we can use along the West beside Ally Pally.
10th March 2021
Buckets of rain
But no flooding at the lawns although the Crows have been there and court 1 has a few holes in it. But nothing to worry about, they might even be helping us.
4th February 2021
Happy New Year from Launa N'Dawarda
Our rovin reporda has been down the lawns an although a bit soggy (no surprise) they are in good shape.

An extra yard has been found on the West boundry of court 5 and is being cleared back. We should be able to use this to move the court away from the Grass Tennis area a little. Work continues with our enthusiastic volunteers.
1st January 2021
WCF You Tube Channel
Filming Croquet is developing and achieving better results as time goes by. Click here. to visit their new website.
23rd December 2020
CA Financial award
Fylde are delighted to have been awarded a grant of £460 as a 50% contribution to the construction of the West Boundary Ditch and the de-hilling of lawn 1. The ditch will probably be done in the New Year and when we have aa dry spell. We hope to start the lawn work soon.
7th December 2020
Back on ready to go

2nd December 2020 00:01
Website is twenty years old
Yes indeed our Club Archives go back to 2001.
Our first picture was in 2005 showing The Boss with the Neil Williams Memorial trophy awarded to the B class Advanced Tournament Winner in its first year at Bury Croquet Club, Heaton Park
Picture by Brian Storey
Heaton Park's four bowling greens were built especially for the 2002 Commonwealth Games. Afterwards, Bury CC negotiated with the council and many tournaments were held there including NW Fed events and the 2010 Mac Robertson Shield.
Sharing the photo is 'George Bush', a piece of topiary of a lawn bowler which the Croquet players often augmented with it holding a mallet.
Ten years ago we celebrated our Silver Jubilee and at our annual dinner we presented a ten minute video of the club's history to that date. If you were not a member when we moved to SSLTC then you should find the second chapter (4:00) interesting as it has a lot of photos which will show you how much we all have achieved with the infrastructure. You will find a link to it on the Members' Page.
1st December 2020
Long Term Drainage Improvements
The King of Spades has come up trumps again with a plan for Winter to shore up the West ditch.
24th November 2020
The 2020 News Archived Here
11th November 2018