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FYLDE: Ian Theakstone (2.5), Alan Morton (4), Philip Bass (7), Geoffrey Lipshaw (10), Jean Audsley (Reserve)
PENDLE: Garry Wilson (2.5), Robin Delves (3.5), Peter Dewhurst (3.5), Libby Morris (7)
A late start to the match following travel problems for the Visitors. A 0830 lawn inspection was undertaken following the recent wet weather.
Fylde made a reasonable start with Alan and Philip winning their opening matches.
Pendle took command of the match by winning all 4 games taking a 6-2 lead into lunch.
Pendle secured 3 wins in this round to take a 9-3 lead.
Alan and Philip win again to draw this round.
- Ian v Peter -12, v Libby -11, v Robin -7,v Garry -8
- Alan v Libby +5, v Peter -7, v Garry +9, v Robin +8
- Philip v Garry +7,v Robin -2T,v Libby -5T,v Peter +13
- Geoffrey v Robin -1T,v Garry -5, v Peter-10, v Libby -3T
Alan had the best of the day with 3 wins. Team thanks to Jean who looked after the lunch arrangements and to Philip for the shopping.
Alan, 6th September 2017
BOWDON: John Howarth(5), Pauline Hennel (6), Richard Saul(7), Sue Lucas (9).
FYLDE : Ian Theakstone (2.5), Alan Morton (4), Philip Bass (7), Ken Harper (7)
Arrived at Bowdon at 09:30 driving through rain caused Philip and Alan to ponder whether shorts were the right choice However, the forecast was for sun later in the day.
4 wins for Bowdon despite Ian pegging out Richard.
Only Alan managed a win in a 2 ball ending to the game with Richard. Alan having pegged out his and Richards Peg ball.
Fylde were 7-1 down looking for an unlikely recovery. Pauline provided some strawberry meringues which were very nice.
Ken went for a second one only to drop a strawberry onto his pristine 'whites' and part of the meringue on the floor.
Under the 5 second rule he couldn't pick it up but he took in enough energy to power his way to 2 wins in the afternoon session.
Drawn with Alan, Ken and Ian winning games.
- Ian v John +8, Pauline -4, Richard -8, Sue- 6
- Alan v John +8, Pauline -9T, Richard +2,Sue -12
- Philip v John -8, Pauline -7, Richard -6, Sue -2T
- Ken v John -9, Pauline -6, Richard +7, Sue +7
Sue triggered Handicap 8.
Alan and ken had the best of the day with 2 wins each
Thanks to Philip for driving safely.
Alan, 16th July 2017
FYLDE: Ian Theakstone (2.5), Alan Morton (4), Philip Bass (7), Geoffrey Lipshaw (10).
SOUTHPORT: John Haslam (1 peel), Barbara Haslam (0), Pauline Rooney (8), Derek Lunt (9).
Weather dry and sunny. The ever widening hoop holes on Lawn 3 had to be filled in to give a reasonably smooth playing surface.
Fylde were outplayed by Southport with only Philip securing a win before lunch and both Geoffrey and Philip had a one point loss to Barbara and John respectively. Lawn 3 was a problem again when Geoffrey's yellow ball jammed in hoop 5 in his game with John. It went through the hoop on test but on a certain axis the ball stuck so the hoop had to be re-set and the shot re-taken .There was an amusing interlude when Pauline was preparing to peg out against Alan with 3 bisques in the ground, enquired' how many bisques have I left'. 'Three too many' was the reply.
The afternoon results didn't get any better with only Philip and Alan registering wins and so Southport were well deserved winners.
Philip was Fylde's player of the match with two wins.
Pauline and John had 4 wins each. 12 games went to Peg.
- Ian v Pauline -8, Derek -12, Barbara -8, John -2
- Alan v Derek -8, Pauline -14, John -2, Barbara +3T
- Philip v John -1,Barbara +11, Derek +1T, Pauline -3T
- Geoffrey v Barbara -1T, John-9, Pauline -8, Derek -9
The Fylde team retired to the bar where Ian enquired if he was on the Titanic as every drink was either ice cold, extra cold or chilled. The kind bar staff found him a bottle of Black Sheep ale. He was happy-after all it is a Theakston's ale.
Alan, 17th June
Bury: Tony Phillips(0), Philip Nuttall (7), Vi Richards (7), Jane Phillips (10)
Fylde : Ian Theakstone (3), Alan Morton(4) , Ken Harper (6), Geoffrey Lipshaw (10)
The departure was delayed because the team bus got lost in the 'Wesham Triangle'. Ian decided to drive and the team arrived at 0932 which Ian declared was all down to his 'British Made' car.
The weather was mainly dry with afternoon showers.
The early games were evenly fought and the teams were tied 4-4 at lunch. Alan was nervously watching his players devour triple desserts at lunch and predicted that Round 3 would be the turning point. With only Ken securing a win, Fylde were 5-7 down going into round 4. Ian and Ken secured wins in round 4 leaving Alan playing Philip to try and salvage a point. In the final minutes with the score 11-11, Alan had the opportunity to score the winning point but a missed roquet gave Philip the chance to win However he clanged Rover taking the game into a golden hoop tie break. Alan had to hit in to stand a chance as Philip was positioned in a scoring position. Alan missed, Philip scored, game lost 7-9.
- Ian v Vi +9, v Jane +10, v Philip -5, v Tony +12
- Alan v Jane +5, v Vi +13, v Tony - 9, v Philip -1 T (GH)
- Ken v Tony -10, v Philip -9, v Jane +4,v Vi +7
- Geoffrey v Philip -7, v Tony -10, v Vi -5, v Jane -9.
Ian was Fylde's player of the match with three wins and a handicap reduction to 2.5.
Philip carried his mallet unbeaten.
Thank you to the Bury Club for their hospitality and a good match.
15 games went to Peg. And, BTW the aggregate age of our team was 307. Fylde youth policy in action. Bring on Manhattan Trasfer.
Alan, 11th June
Chester 3 Fylde 13
FYLDE: Peter Wilson (1P), Liz Wilson(1P),Ian Theakstone (3), Alan Morton (4).
CHESTER: Jayne Taylor (6),Barbara Jones(10),Hugh Bray (10), Mavis Sellers(10).
The team met up at Wesham with Peter driving. We persuaded him not play the electronic Aborigine music* although he did demonstrate his air guitar complete with 'rock style' moves.
The journey took 1 hour 20 minutes because on this occasion Peter only crossed the River Dee once. This was a huge improvement on last season. The weather was dry with some sun.

Fylde took early control of the match and were leading 6-2 at lunch with Jane Taylor providing some spirited resistance by beating both Ian and Alan.
The third round after lunch saw Fylde winning all four games and the match. There was a fortunate shot from Alan when playing Hugh.
His Blue ball was in the Jaws of Hoop 5 and his drive sent the ball to the left of the peg and the lawn dragged the ball back in line to run Hoop 6.
Two for the price of one. Fylde won Round four 3-1 with Jayne again pulling off a win against Peter.
- Peter: +3, +13,+8,-1T
- Liz: +10,+8,+8,+6
- Ian: -1T,+5,+12,+10
- Alan: +7,-10,+6,+6
14 games went to Peg. Liz was the 'Player of the match' winning all 4 games and earning a Mars Bar for her stellar performance. Finally ,our thanks to the Chester Club for their hospitality,friendliness and their team contribution to a good day's croquet.

* Not.
Alan, 3rd June
Fylde 8 Westmorland 8
FYLDE:Peter Wilson (1 peel), Alan Morton (4), Philip Bass (7), Catherine Bass (9).
WESTMORLAND: David Lloyd (3), Sue Pritchard 94), John Burrows (4), Mike Hodgson (6)
Thanks to Liz for providing an excellent lunch and other match day duties.
Fylde got off to a very good start by winning the first four games. Westmorland fought back in round 2 and drew level at lunch 4-4. Catherine was unlucky as she lost by one point in a tie break with David . Round 3 saw Fylde win 3-1 needing 2 wins to secure a victory. However, only Peter managed a win in Round 4 to earn Fylde a point.
- Peter
- John +9
- Mike -7
- Sue +2
- David +8
- Alan
- Mike +12
- John -9
- David +8
- Sue -4t
- Philip
- David +6
- Sue -6
- Mike +2t
- John -2t
- Catherine
- Sue +3
- David -1gh
- John -6
- Mike -3
Alan, 29th April